Fresh & Flawless
5 Piece Complexion Set!
I have been needing to invest in a good set of make-up brushes for a long time. I did purchase
a mini travel set of 3
Real Techniques brushes a little while ago, and although they are amazing
and I love and use them almost daily, they are mini and I wanted ones with a longer handle!
I’d always heard good things about Eco Tools, particularly their make-up brushes so naturally
I had to find out how amazing these were for myself! 😉
I hopped onto
iHerb to see what was available and that is when this colourful set caught my
eye and I knew I just had to have them, they are perfect!
These brushes are made from bamboo in the handles and they are completely cruelty free which I
100% back and admire! The bristles are so soft and smooth and already I have noticed a difference
in the appearance of my make-up when applied using these. They are super easy to use and have
made my life much easier of late. Now I have a brush for everything and I love that because it’s
helping me to improve my make-up applying techniques!
The fibres do not leave any steaks along your skin and they’re so firmly embedded in the brush
that I haven’t seen a single hair fall out onto my face or even look like coming loose. They are
locked in there tight! Brilliant!
Left to right – Full Powder Brush, Complexion Blending Brush, Precision Foundation Brush,
Buffing Concealer Brush & Flat Concealer Brush.
I do love to have my brushes out where I can quickly and easily reach for and use them each day,
however I love how they came stored so neatly like this. Good to keep for travelling or
to store to prolong their longevity perhaps?
What make-up brushes do you swear by?
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